Our Certified Animal Chiropractors

APAC Animal Chiropractors have extensive training and experience in human chiropractic, have completed the rigorous APAC Animal Chiropractor Education and have passed the APAC exam.

 So far chiropractic for animals was either provided by traditional bone setters with no chiropractic training whatsoever, by VETs learning a few manipulation techniques in short courses without understanding chiropractics unique philosophy, science and art or by chiropractors taking a short weekend class without getting the in depth training to understand the unique characteristics and needs of the different animal species. 


Consists of Anatomy, Neurology, Physiology and Psychology of the different animal species as well as rigorous training in the art, science and philosophy of animal chiropractic


APAC also conducts regular advanced training for its graduates and members. Qualified APAC Animal Chiropractors can be found in the directory on this website.